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TiPD Year 2: Collaboration Continues

​​TiPD was a 4-year project (1 year of planning and 3 years of implementation) funded by the Maine Health Access Foundation.  Although the grant ended in 2017, its framework of collaboration and community-based planning to support communities where people can remain healthy and engaged as they age has been the foundation of our healthy aging work since that time.

Building on the successes of Year 1, TiPD began Year 2 of the three-year MeHAF grant with a full slate of programs. And it brought an example of what can happen when thoughtful minds come together: A volunteer initiative activity in Year 1 could not be accomplished as it was written, so a group of providers began brainstorming ways in which the intention to provide in-home support through the use of volunteers could be fulfilled. The result is a Year 2 collaboration between Eastern Area Agency on Aging, Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County, and new partner Friends in Action through which volunteers will be recruited and trained. Collaboration is the watchword among all of the Year 2 providers.


For a quick look at the Year 2 activities, download a copy of the Year 2 TiP Brochure

Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center

The Beth Wright Center received a mid-year grant to expand its program to provide free access to community-based gentle yoga classes for cancer patients and survivors throughout the TiPD area.

Coastal Care Team Community Based Prevention Program

The CCT Health Coach will provide a yearlong health and wellness initiative for residents of a low-income senior housing community. She will teach nutrition, weight loss techniques, ways to begin/stay active, and ways to cook healthy meals based on the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) curriculum and Cooking Matters (CM) curriculum to help residents to thrive on their own. She will also assist residents to establish healthy lifestyle goals and to measure progress toward goals.

Eastern Area Agency on Aging(EAAA) Community-Based Prevention Programs and Caregiver Support

EAAA will provide one Matter of Balance class, one Living Well class and two caregiver trainings. EAAA staff will also continue to staff monthly Clinics of Expertise at Friendship Cottage.

Friends in Action Volunteer Initiative

Friends in Action (FIA) will take a leadership role in developing a pilot project to enhance in-home volunteer support of at-risk clients. FIA will partner with Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County and Eastern Area Agency on Aging to develop a volunteer plan that will include education for the volunteers and for connection to other community and medical support for clients identified with chronic disease that requires continued follow-up for improved health outcomes. Volunteers for the project will be recruited from the community at large as well as from participating team partner organizations. FIA will provide overall volunteer supervision and management.

Friendship Cottage/Aroostook Mental Health Center (AMHC)

Friendship Cottage and AMHC will continue to adapt the Grieving on the Installment Plan curriculum for caregivers of loved ones with behavioral health problems. They will jointly present a behavioral health GR.I.P.

Friendship Cottage/Community Health and Counseling Services Behavioral Health Caregiver Support

Friendship Cottage and Community Health and Counseling Services will re-launch the recently formed Behavioral Health Caregiver Support Group.

Friendship Cottage Deer Isle/Stonington Caregiver Support Group

A Caregiver Support group facilitated by a licensed social worker or trained volunteer will be established in the Deer Isle/Stonington community for all caregivers to attend.

Friendship Cottage/Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County Caregiver Support

Licensed Professional Social Workers from the partnering agencies will provide 3 Grieving on the Installment Plan series in target communities to caregivers caring for a loved one with a chronic medical condition. In addition, a licensed professional social worker from each of the 3 medical clinics affiliated with Blue Hill Memorial Hospital will be trained in the series so they may facilitate a future GR.I.P. series to the caregivers who are being serviced by their clinic.

Healthy Acadia Community Based Prevention Programs

HA will offer three 16-week “Tai Chi for Health” courses, as well as two 6-week “Cooking Matters for Adults” nutrition education courses.

Healthy Island Project (on Deer Isle)

Move It to Lose It is a six month weekly weight-loss program with a focus on healthy eating and exercising. Currently over 20 participants are enrolled.

Salt Air Seniors is a group of senior men and women who come together for socializing and activities. The group meets at Deer Run Apartments in Deer Isle from 12:30-2:00 pm on the first and third Thursdays of the month. The HIP Director does programming for the meetings and a facilitator runs the meetings. Events are free and all are always welcome.

Healthy Peninsula

The lead organization, coordinating the various programs described here. Working collaboratively with all participating organizations, hospitals, neighborhood groups, and target population of those with unmet needs. We are also responsible for several programming activities, including the Clinics of Expertise, the Community Resource Guide, learning community e-newsletters, a Facebook page devoted to TiPD activities, community columns in the local newspapers, and meetings of a provider network.

Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County

Focusing on the Blue Hill Peninsula and Deer Isle/Stonington, HVHC will engage in a program of training and education for service providers and volunteers on Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. The goals of the program include (a) to offer better-prepared service providers to individuals and families dealing with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia; and (b) to build greater collaboration between partner organizations which will enhance the participants’ network of services available for supporting those dealing with dementia.

Penobscot Bay Press

Penobscot Bay Press (Weekly Packet, Castine Patriot, Island Advantages) will continue its partnership with TiPD to further address the continuing needs and goals of the collaboration. This will include utilizing the experience of PBP staff to help the TIPD partners build and enhance their communications, both internally and externally. PBP will use the saturation coverage of its news and information products in the coinciding service communities of TiPD to advertise and communicate the mission and activities of the TiPD partners.

26 Hinckley Ridge Road

PO Box 945
Blue Hill, Maine 04614

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