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Tradewinds Matches Donation to the Magic Food Bus

For the fourth year in a row, Tradewinds will partner with Healthy Peninsula and match donations to the Magic Food Bus Projects from Saturday July 20th through August 3rd. This generous opportunity to partner with Tradewinds and their thoughtful patrons has been instrumental in helping the Magic Food Bus to give away approximately four tons of local, fresh produce last year alone!

Any donation made at the register at the time of checkout is tax deductible, and will be matched by Tradewinds up to $1000. Donations are used by Healthy Peninsula to purchase fresh produce from local farmers, organize volunteers to glean extra produce at farms, teach healthy cooking classes with seniors, and support Summer Garden Camp experiences and healthy food events with local children.

One simple donation as you checkout at Tradewinds will help support Healthy Peninsula’s Magic Food Bus Projects—FREE farm-fresh veggies and fruit distributed to people of all ages weekly from June to September; teaching kids about how grow, prepare, and eat healthy food; and, promoting food security opportunities for families and people of all ages in our communities.

For more information, call Healthy Peninsula at 374-3257 or connect with Healthy Eating Coordinator Anna Wind.

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