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LIHEAP Fuel Assistance Program

Starting next Monday, Washington Hancock Community Agency is taking appointments for their LIHEAP (Fuel Assistance) Outreach sites. There are limited appointments available at:

•    Blue Hill •    Bucksport •    Danforth •    Deer Isle •    Eastport •    Hancock •    Lubec

  1. Jonesport

  2. Woodland/Baileyville

  3. Perry

  4. Pembroke

  5. Princeton

  6. Stonington

If you are interested in an appointment at one of these sites, please call us between 7:30 am and 4 pm, starting Monday August 3 through August 14. The phone numbers are 664-2424 and 1-800-828-7544. Appointments are very limited, and we expect phone call volume to be heavy, so please, be patient when you call. We will get to you as soon as possible.

Want to visit us in Ellsworth, Machias, or Milbridge? You can call to make an appointment at these three sites starting August 31, 2015.


26 Hinckley Ridge Road

PO Box 945
Blue Hill, Maine 04614

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