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Effective Communications Strategy

Eastern Area Agency on Aging is hosting an Alzheimer’s Association education program on communicating with people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.  Communication is about more than just talking and listening–it’s also bout sending receiving messages through attitude, tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. As the ability to use words is lost, families need new ways to connect. Explore how communication takes place when someone has Alzheimer’s, learn to decode the verbal and behavioral messages delivered by someone with dementia, and identify strategies to help connect and communicate at each stage of the disease.

The program will be held on Thursday, June 7, 2018 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the Dedham Congregational Church, 209 Mill Rd., Dedham, ME. To register, call Eastern Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-432-7812.

Click here to download a PDF of the flyer announcing the program.


26 Hinckley Ridge Road

PO Box 945
Blue Hill, Maine 04614

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