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Our Healthy Aging initiative recognizes that, as we all live longer and healthier lives, we can tap into our collective experiences to create innovative solutions for the challenges that come – individually and systemically – as we get older.  With that in mind, we have created a strong network of community members, town governments, and service providers, working together to create a community where we will all have what we need as we grow up and grow older in our coastal neighborhoods.


As exciting new opportunities on issues of healthy aging continue to develop, Healthy Peninsula will continue to cultivate the power of collaboration to create healthy, informed, and livable communities for all.

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Lori Johnson

Healthy Aging Coordinator

Greetings! I am grateful to be working in the field of healthy aging within the communities of the Blue Hill Peninsula/ Deer Isle/Stonington. Supporting those in our communities age safely and well, by partnering with other organizations and collaborating with local volunteers, will fulfill my needs for connection, creativity, contribution and fun! Please drop me a note so I can get to know you. 

Island Health and Wellness Foundation podcast

Anne Schroth Talks Vaccine Sign Ups


Click to hear the podcast with our very own, Anne Schroth!

Description: "Recently, she has been busy navigating the often complicated world of signing up for COVID vaccination appointments on behalf of older Mainers in our area. What helpful hints has she learned? How does patience and perseverance play major roles in the sign up process? What other resources does Healthy Peninsula offer? Last, but not least, what is personally helping Anne to thrive during the pandemic?"


This podcast is part of a series "Just for the Health of It" run by the Island Health & Wellness Foundation. This episode and others are available on any popular podcast platform by searching "Island Health & Wellness Foundation" (i.e. Apple, Spotify, Breaker, etc.).

We are so grateful to the John T. Gorman Foundation for its generous funding of our partnerships with the Simmering Pot and the Brooklin Garden Club.  Recognizing the need for nourishment in both body and mind, these partnerhsip enable us to deliver food and joy to many isolated community members in our region.  We couldn't do it without dedicated partners, volutneers, and funders!  Check out our listing and all the other amazing grantees on the John T. Gorman website:

Age-Friendly Coastal Communities is a regional initiative, affiliated with the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities . . .

In February 2019, Healthy Peninsula and Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital (NLBHH) received a Rural Health Transformation grant from the Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF) to support the Age-Friendly . . .

26 Hinckley Ridge Road

PO Box 945
Blue Hill, Maine 04614


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