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Strategic Planning

While strategic planning has been regularly built into Healthy Peninsula’s organizational calendar, our most recent schedule was delayed by the pandemic. In 2022, we embarked on our delayed strategic planning process with the insightful facilitation of consultant Deb Burwell, who has provided her skilled insight to most of Healthy Peninsula’s strategic planning processes in prior years.


COVID’s dramatic community health disruptions, as well as internal staff and board shifts, made this strategic plan even more vital to Healthy Peninsula’s sustainable, engaged future as a critical part of the community health infrastructure of our region. With a grounded, practical approach and extended time to fully engage all members of the organization’s Board, staff, and specific community partners, this strategic plan will help Healthy Peninsula enter our next chapter with renewed vigor, focus, and commitment to the health of our organization, our staff, and our community.


The following goals will guide Healthy Peninsula’s next chapter:


Goal 1: Stimulate the community’s awareness and use of available health and wellness resources.

Outcomes by 2026:

A. Four new mediums have been employed to expand community awareness of HP’s programs and other health and wellness resources.

B. Number of new partner outlets for resource sharing has increased by 25.

C. Staff and Board are fluent ambassadors representing the depth and breadth of HP’s work as a community resource sharing hub.

D. Graphic representation of HP’s work is developed and widely distributed to increase awareness of HP’s role in the community network.


Goal 2: Cultivate staff capacity to strategically respond to community needs.

Outcomes by 2026

A. Staff compensation rates are standardized and benefit options are developed to reinforce a supportive workplace.

B. Organizational culture fosters a sustainable work balance between direct service projects and collective impact work.

C. Volunteers amplify organizational capacity.


Goal 3: Expand funding strategies to strengthen Healthy Peninsula’s long-term sustainability.

Outcomes by 2026:

A. Increase connections with new community supporters by 35 a year (friend raising for volunteers & donors).

B. Establish a planned giving program.

C. Diversify funding strategies to increase the unrestricted share of the budget by 25%.


Our complete  Strategic Plan is available here:  Healthy Peninsula Strategic Plan FY 2023 - FY 2025 



26 Hinckley Ridge Road

PO Box 945
Blue Hill, Maine 04614


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