Anne Schroth
Executive Director

I became the Executive Director of Healthy Peninsula in October 2021, after 7 years as the Healthy Aging Coordinator. I was initially hired in 2014 to coordinate the Thriving in Place Downeast (TiPD) collaboration, a 3-year project funded by the Maine Health Access Foundation that successfully developed strategies and partnerships to help older community members and those with chronic health conditions remain healthy and thriving in their own homes and communities. Building on the TiPD model after those first three years, I supported our continuing leadership role in community planning and collaboration, coordinating diverse community partners in the region-wide Age-Friendly Coastal Communities initiative, a multi-faceted healthy aging endeavor affiliated with the AARP and the World Health Organization and designed to create communities where we can all stay healthy and engaged as we age. I have helped maintain Healthy Peninsula’s aging work with grant funding and donations, combining a mix of flexible, responsive services that include coordination and convening of community collaborations, providing healthcare and social service resource connections to individuals and providers, and creating targeted direct service projects for older residents, particularly focused on those who are historically under-served and low-income.
I grew up in Sedgwick and attended school in Brooklin and Blue Hill. I left Maine for many years to practice poverty law in Washington, D.C. and Ann Arbor, Michigan, most recently as a Clinical Professor at the University of Michigan Law School. While at Michigan, I founded the Pediatric Advocacy Initiative, a collaboration between legal and health professionals designed to remove legal and social barriers to the health and wellbeing of low-income patients and their families.
It's great to be back in my hometown, working with an organization that embodies the values and community-based spirit that I most appreciated in my previous legal work.