About Us
Who Is Healthy Peninsula?
We are collaborators, we are innovators, and we are good listeners.
Since 2001, Healthy Peninsula has used collective impact strategies to improve the health of the people we serve in Blue Hill, Penobscot, Surry, Castine, Brooklin, Sedgwick, Brooksville, Deer Isle, and Stonington. We are part of a community of caring that includes wise villagers, skilled service providers, and a legion of dedicated volunteers. We are there for everyone, from precious newborn to valued elder, and we are dedicated to helping ensure good health at all stages of their lives. Meet our team.
What Is Healthy Peninsula?
We believe that anything is possible when open minds and good hearts come together.
Healthy Peninsula takes the best of what our communities already offer and links services together in ways that reflect what communities want. We’re working on three main initiatives: Healthy Families, Healthy Eating, and Healthy Aging. We bring community and regional partners together to establish common agendas, adopt shared measurable goals, and pursue evidence-based actions that reinforce one another's work and further those goals. Over the years, we’ve helped create a number of successful community-owned programs, including the Magic Food Bus, Sedgwick Head Start, Friendship Cottage, Ready by 21, Farmers and Families, and, most recently, Thriving in Place Downeast. Explore Healthy Aging, Healthy Eating and Healthy Families.
Where Is Healthy Peninsula?
We’re where you need us to be.
You’ll find us popping up all over the place, bringing community members and experts together at community breakfasts and meetings to talk about issues important to us all. We might be interviewing you or your neighbor to find out what people really need to stay healthy. We might be sitting at a computer updating a resource guide or on the floor with children at a playgroup. Contact us.
Healthy Peninsula Nondiscrimination Policy
Healthy Peninsula deeply values its community of Board members, staff, volunteers, and partnering organizations who participate in our programming. We are committed to creating an open, welcoming environment where each individual is celebrated and respected. We recognize the need for continual learning in order to maintain a supportive, equitable
workplace and are committed to ongoing growth and development.
Healthy Peninsula is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate in employment, recruitment, Board membership, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, or military status, or for any other discriminatory reason.
We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all staff, volunteers, partners, contractors, and Board members. We endeavor to create a diverse Board of Directors. We aim to build relationships with a wide spectrum of partner organizations as we work to promote health and well-being for all members of our 9-town community.
If you would like additional information, please contact our office at 207-374-3257 or info@healthypeninsula.org.